Health Care, Social Care & Education

Kozane® Extreme‘s unique composition makes it ideal for protecting delicate skin against bites, cuts and scratches. Not only does it effectively and discreetly shield care and education professionals, but it is also safe for children and adults who present challenging behaviour.




Discreet protection against bites, pinches and scratches

When working with vulnerable people, particularly those presenting challenging behaviour, healthcare and education workers can be at risk from bites, pinches and scratches. As well as causing pain and bruising, bites carry an especially high risk of infection (due to the number of bacteria in the human mouth) as well as a risk of contamination with blood-borne viruses. Hepatitis B virus (HBV), Hepatitis C virus (HCV) and Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can be found in the saliva of infected people in low concentrations.
A lightweight cut, tear and puncture-resistant fabric, such as Kozane® Extreme can be effectively incorporated into arm cuffs, overalls and other garments to provide discreet protection that can be worn all day.

Protecting You While You Care

No one chooses to enter a caring profession expecting to be injured, but it is a sad reality for many nurses, carers and teachers. Most recently, mental health nurse Funmi Adenle recounted his experiences on a hospital ward during the COVID-19 pandemic: “Some of them have wanted to bite staff members. It can be really hard, to be honest. I’ve had patients spit at me and that’s quite anxiety-provoking” (Funmi Adenle, speaking on ITV News).
Personal protective equipment (PPE) made from Kozane® can help to relieve some of this anxiety, allowing carers to do what they do best, even in the most challenging environments.

Keeping vulnerable patients and prisoners safe from harm

Care professionals are, of course, not the only individuals at risk. Patients and prisoners at risk of self-harm often pose unique challenges for those who care for them. Our latest addition, Kozane®Invicta was designed with this in mind.
Developed in consultation with one of the UK’s major mental health trusts, Kozane® Invicta offers high levels of tear and abrasion resistance, as well as protection against cuts and punctures. It is already in use as protective garments and bedding for vulnerable patients due to its practicality and comfort, and will no doubt continue to develop in line with our clients’ needs.